School is starting to become insane now. I had my first exam in metabolism this past Thursday and it just jump-started everything else. So many assignments, readings and papers in the next 3 weeks before Spring Break.
This week was a good week if you are a Duke fan though. My Blue Devils managed to squeak by Carolina with a game winning shot in the last second. I couldn't be a happier fan :)
It's Valentine's Day this week and Thomas and I aren't doing that much this year. We decided to not spend money on gifts for each other this year and just stay home and make dinner. For dessert we are having chocolate dipped strawberries and red velvet hot chocolate which I'm mighty excited about. We really thought to make this low-key because I really feel like no gift could compare to the one I got for Christmas. :) Plus, as long as we are together, that's all that matters really. I really feel like we need this time together more than anything. I feel like I've seen him lately but we have lacked making the most of our time together to talk. We've gotten a bit frustrated lately, either its me or its him and it really all boils down to the fact that my school has kicked up a notch and his student teaching is so time consuming. I'll be glad when we are both on the same kind of schedule. But for the time being, let's just focus on having a great Valentine's which I'm sure we will.
I just want to share a picture. It cracks me up for multiple reasons. We had just finished eating waffles and she was super happy she had a piece of waffle. Thomas' hair, his expression, Luna's expression and then her perfect ear that never is down. :) She's amazing.
She also had a very lazy week. Never wanted to leave the bed.