Thursday, April 10, 2014

Officially an RD2Be

I have done it! I was matched this past Sunday to UNC-Greensboro's Dietetic Internship  and I could not be more thrilled!

At first when reading those words, I just stared at them for 5 minutes straight. I'm telling you it is such an emotional day, Match Day, and you have all this built up stress and anxiety over these few words or you get one that says you haven't been matched. *shudder*
Pretty much all day I watched some Game of Thrones, went for a walk/run to kill some time but it still seemed to drag on.
After the initial shock of it all, then the tears came...

Then the feelings of absolute joy!

I accepted my match Tuesday and talked with the director about what we were to do next now that it's official. We are supposed to get an email with contact information for every intern. I'm excited! I am so curious to find out who is in the internship with me! Also, we still have some final application things to do but no biggie. Then we can get started over the summer on some of our modules/ assignments. Which I'm very excited about. I need to review some things this summer too. 

It feels great to know that I will be returning to UNCG for the internship, too. I love Greensboro so much and it feels like coming back home to finish out everything there. 

This was definitely my biggest goal of the year and do not be surprised if I post more about it in the near future. I want to use this blog to document some of my experiences. One of the things I've been doing lately is reading a lot of previous/current intern blogs to see what their experience was like during their rotations. I would love to add mine to the mix.