Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Life after the engagement

What a crazy week it's been! Ever since last tuesday (engagement), everyday has been full of visits, calls, wedding talk and then Christmas happened.

We had a fantastic Christmas. We got to see our families which was nice and were given so many presents I feel overwhelmed. I'm happy though. I now have a waffle maker and a rice steamer! I also received a couple of books, a set of pearls from Thomas parents, a jewelry armoire, and just too many other gifts to name. Let's just say I am lucky to have the family and friends I do.

I haven't been working out like I should this week because of all the excitement and Christmas. Kelsey and I have made plans for when she gets back from her parents, she and I will start our running again. My nose has been stuck in wedding magazines and websites during my free time. I can't help but feel like I need to make a decision about something. The first thing I've been told by many is to pick the venue. So Thomas and I went through all the local wedding places in Greensboro and Winston-Salem. Some we liked, some we just looked at and didn't comment on  and some we just thought wasn't for us. I didn't find anything that made me go YES until I came across The Millennium Center in Winston-Salem. It is gorgeous and Old Salem is very close to go and take pictures. I think we are going Thursday for a wedding show there to see it in person. I am so excited! I'm also hoping that it won't disappoint me though but we will see. I will be so relieved if we can just get a venue picked out and reserved so we can finally have a set date.

My other obsession this week has been Pinterest. My friend Aden sent me an invite and I've been posting wedding ideas like crazy. If you want to see it, it's here. I always heard about it and never thought it would handy for my life until now. It's neat how you can pin things from sites and have it all on one page to see. As you will see the colors I'm thinking of having are shades of purple with grey and cream or white. This might change since I have over a year and a half until we marry but for right now this is what I want.

It's weird how when you get engaged, suddenly life is full of decisions that need to be made. Like who's in the wedding? what colors? what food? what songs? where will it be? Can we afford this? And after getting married, will I get a job or continue on to my dietetic internship? where will we live? Where will this life lead? I know getting married is the right decision for me at this time. Nothing makes me happier than knowing that I will be with Thomas for the rest of my life. It does make me think about my career though. There is no doubt I will continue grad school and get my Master's degree. I have been considering putting off my internship though so that I may get a job after school and save some money for the year that I will do the internship. I just don't think after a wedding we can afford for me to not work for another year. Even if the wedding is pushed back, I won't have time during the internship to do any wedding planning or finalizing. So it's Summer 2013 or....2015? 16? I don't know. 2013 just feels right. I think my happiness needs to be put on the front burner for once in my life. So that is what is going to happen. Plus I will have a M.S. after my name! How cool is that!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!