Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 Weeks down.... 14 more to go

-blog w/ date ideas

So, we are done with Week 3 of Spring Semester and it doesn't feel right that it is almost February. The thing is before we know it, it will be March because February go by faster than any month. I have a metabolism exam in a week and a half but I'm not worried. So far this class has felt like a review and I am familiar with everything we've gone over so I'm not that worried about it. I am also shadowing a dietitian on Monday and Friday, which I'm excited about!

So as you know, I'm trying to get back into my good eating habits and work out more. Kelsey and I were doing fine for a month or two then we got sidetracked by school and other things. We have been trying to get together to go running but something always seems to come up. I think we will get back to our running plans after the semester but for right now, it's our own exercise plans we need to focus on. So lately I've been doing more strength training, mainly focusing on my triceps because I feel like that part of my arm is a problem area for me. It's also where I look the biggest in pictures and I don't want that issue when I have to take pictures in my wedding dress. I've been also doing these daily workout plans as well. I even did The Fitnessista's Winter Shape-Up 2012 last week.  I'm sore but I'm loving it.

However, my workout didn't happen yesterday due to Thomas and I being busy pretty much the entire day. We first went to Winston for a large bridal show at the convention center downtown. We went a little later than it said to avoid the massive crowds, which worked but to be honest, these things are all the same. I had the same people ask me for my information that I talked to a month ago at the other bridal show. They don't understand that I am only here to look around and get ideas for vendors. I did talk to a florist I liked which was located in Winston so I was happy about that. It also gave Thomas and I a great chance to look at some examples of Save the Dates and invitations. We found only one style we liked and it was at a place I was thinking about so it worked out. We are not even close to that part of planning but I like to have ideas of what both of us like. I'm glad we can decide on things so easily too. I think that's why we have so many ideas already and in the end I feel we just really want the other to be happy with the wedding. I really like to have Thomas' input on everything so that he is as happy with it as I am. This is why I love him.

So after eating a load of cake, we left the bridal show with ideas about a florist, invitations and who made the best cake.  Since we were in Winston and I wanted to go and show my mom our venue choice, The Millennium Center . We even ran into the owner which is awesome because he is super nice and it was great to talk to him in person. We then decided to drive through Old Salem to pick out some spots that would be  good for taking photos. I  really wanted to scope out a First Look spot. I envision a spot that has a couple of trees and Thomas is standing there blindfolded behind one tree and I walk up and hide behind another  and then he takes the blindfold off and I peek around the tree and then we walk towards each other. Old Salem is the perfect place for this and I found the spot right before we left. It's right in front of the Salem College building. I am so excited to have found it!
Just imagine it's summer and there are more trees that you can't see in this picture

I found a new blog on Pinterest and I think it's such a neat idea. These 6 sisters decided to create a blog together and I've enjoyed reading it today!

 One of the posts dealt with ideas for fun and cheap dates! I thought I'd share and maybe see how many Thomas and I have done and share the ones I hope we can do in the future! Here's the link to the post: 50-fun-and-cheap-date-ideas

#2 Make Homemade Pizzas Together

I've been wanting to do this for a while. I think this was actually my first idea that we could do on our first date but instead we chose to just order it.

#4  Try a new sport together.

First thing that comes to mind is Tennis! I like to play but I'm not very good at it.

#5  Have a game night.

This is something we just need to do more often. We love to play Scrabble and his favorite is Trivial Pursuit. 

#6 Be a tourist in your own city.

Thomas actually made fun of my mom  and I for doing this yesterday in Winston. :) 
Even in a city you've been to 1,000 times there is always something new to discover.

#10  Have a picnic.

We have yet to do this and I want to badly!!

#11  Go see a play.

I get the feeling that musicals aren't Thomas' thing like they are mine. But I hope that one day he will go just because I want him to. He may surprise himself.

#12 Stargazing.

One of my favorite memories from Maine this past year included stargazing. It was one of the most romantic nights of my life. It was around the time of the meteors in August so every night we tried to catch the "falling stars" but never saw one until we were driving home and were talking about us going back to school and how I was moving to Raleigh. I was really scared at this point. We only had a couple of more days in Maine then our summer was over. He would stay in Greensboro and I would move to Raleigh. This whole transition was about to happen. But then while I'm crying and freaking out, we suddenly see a huge falling star so clear and so bright. At that moment, we took it as a sign that distance wasn't going to matter because we loved each other so much. I will always remember that. 

#13 Go to a park

We have done this and it's fun. I love just walking around parks and enjoying the outside. I guess my goal with this one is to find some parks we haven't been to before.

#17  Go to a local sporting event.

Oh we are working on this one. We have talked about going to a Carolina Hurricanes hockey game, a race at  the Wilkesboro Raceway and I'm thinking we need to see a baseball game soon!

#23  Have a coupon date.

Oh Thomas and I have this covered. We are always trying to save money when we go out to eat so we try to go to places that we have coupons for.

#24  Volunteer. 

I think this is something I think about doing by myself. I never thought to include Thomas. Maybe in the future when we both have the time to commit to something.

#28 Take a drive.

One of my favorite things to do with him.

#29  Have a movie marathon.

We do this all the time with a group with friends. Maybe we need to do this more often with just us.

#31  Go bowling.  

I love bowling! Another thing I'm not that great at but I really feel like we would have so much fun.

#32  Make indoor s'mores and read campfire stories.

This is such a cute idea! I would trade campfire stories for poetry or Harry Potter :)

#35 Try a new restaurant.

We actually made a goal to try a new restaurant once a month this year.

37.  Restaurant hop.  Go to a different restaurant for each course of the meal.  Make three stops for an appetizer, main course and dessert.  Take turns picking where to go!

We totally need to do this!

#43  Take a hike.

I think this would be fun! I've got to look up some trails here !

#45 Visit a bakery.

You don't have to tell me twice! Thomas is well aware of my sweet tooth.