Reflections on the year.... Nothing against 2012 at all. But I am ready for 2013 and what will feel like a new start. 2012 was filled with stress, stress and mega stress. Much due to comps, grad school stuff, moving, and wedding planning. All of this ended up well and good but I am hoping 2013 will be filled with tons of fun. Exceptions being certain grad school classes and trying to find a job. Other than that my wedding is in 172 days! WHOA. I am grateful to 2012 for coming and going so I can marry the best man and friend I have. Graduation is before that and I couldn't be more ready and terrified. This officially will be the year I enter the working world full time. It should be interesting. Some Memories...
Last New Years Eve
My Valentine
My other Valentine
Race where Kasey Kahne won!
Sweet babysitting adventures
Paleo Expeditions
Engagement shoots in the awful heat
Hailey & Jenna Olympics
Puppy sleepovers
Walk to End Alzheimers!
Bridesmaid get-together!
My crazy new family
Best friends/MOH
Bachelorette Parties
Luna doing her Yoga
Thomas catching a 17" flounder!
Funny puppies
Thomas turned 30
Christmas 2012
My Goals for 2013...
Have a FANTASTIC wedding. So much has been done to prepare for it already but the last 6 months marks the time where showers, registering and having fun with people involved in the wedding. I'm super excited about that. I am determined to have fun on my day even if everything falls apart. (Let's face it, I planned it myself, something is bound to) Plus after it's over we can then plan our London honeymoon!!! (update on wedding planning will come later)
I have been sick the last couple of days so exercise has been put on the back burner until I can get my lungs back to do cardio. Seriously though, we have a YMCA membership and I will be taking full advantage of this, especially these upcoming months before the wedding.
Along with exercising more regularly, eating more fruits and vegetables. I've already made a grocery list and menu plan for the first week of 2013. Need to get back to normal with a full pantry and get rid of all the Christmas goodies which are good but ya know not really that good for you.
Graduate! Then find a job! Oh please please please
Be better about taking photos. I always miss opportunities and I really wish I could get over my awkwardness of taking pictures.
Be more organized. Including cleaning more often. (I did make a cleaning schedule, maybe this will help).
SAVE MORE MONEY. We are currently relying on a teacher's salary while I am in school and I have wedding things to pay for as well as saving up for a honeymoon. I need to impulse buy less.
??? Maybe I'll think of the tenth later.
So, How am I bringing in the new year?
Well, I think this may be the funnest way that I've ever brought in the year. I am going to see The Avett Brothers play in Greensboro. I am so excited. I am listening to them right now just in preparation of the night since lately all I've been listening to has been Les Mis.... (views on the movie to come later)