Other than that, we are gonna have to tear ourselves from our TV screen to get ready and head down to Charlotte. I bought NYE concert tickets to see The Avett Bros , again! So, hopefully we will be in store for an awesome show. If it's anything like last year's, we are sure to have a great time!
I'm this excited!
Happy New Year!
In other news, I am so close to having everything done for my DICAS application. A few edits to my resume and personal statement and I will be set! It's such a relief. My goal is to have everything in by the end of January. So, one of my 2014 goals is to change my life by getting into an internship. I've worked so hard in 2013, I'm hoping to get some pay-off in the new year.
Also, I was so close to meeting my 25 books goal for 2013. I may up it for 2014. I have feeling I'm gonna be reading like crazy. But take a look at what I read this year.
I'm not doing resolutions because they stress me out more than they help me better myself. I have goals and I'm fine with that for this year. 2013 held some pretty big changes and I created beautiful memories that I will never forget this year. It had it's emotional ups and downs and I've had my fair share of stress from finishing grad school, wedding planning to job searching. But I am thankful for my new family, my job, my education, and my husband who is always there for me no matter what is going on.
I may not be where I want to be, but I am getting there.
Happy New Year everyone!
Oh, and Luna says Hi! |