Thursday, January 17, 2013

Peanut Butter Hiatus

This is pretty random and trust me highly unintentional and I can't believe I'm talking about this today but I honestly have been avoiding peanut butter the past year. I do not understand this because I used to be one that would just sit around and eat spoonfuls of peanut butter at a time. I think this began even before my journey through Paleoland. But in the past couple of weeks my craving for peanut butter has been pretty ridiculous. I bought a fresh container of it and plan to eat it with some apples later. Man it's strange but I am looking so forward to it. I might try my hand at mixing it with my Justin's almond butter and see if that's good.
 I need to get a life. Seriously.

Wedding update....
I finally have my dress. It is in my possession (well it's residing at my Memaw's so Thomas won't see it) but technically because it is not at the store, IT IS MINE!! I'm very excited. I had to go to the store 2 times before because of fitting issues, which really didn't help my self esteem any, but it's fixed, I can breathe. All is right as of now. 
I had worn what I was going to workout in to the store so it was pretty funny to see my sports bra poking out of my dress. Everyone thought it was real classy. 
This weekend Thomas and I planned to get our registry done. It's about time because I've been thinking about it ever since we got engaged. Other things we still need to do is (for real) finalize that stupid guest list. It's really not the funnest part of the wedding process. Also, I want to go look at suits for him and the guys. I'm not sure what I want yet, something gray for sure.

Cryfest 2013...
So if you are looking for some good tears, I suggest reading A Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It got me for a good 5 chapters straight. Just me lying on the couch bawling my eyes out as I read. What is up with me and books/movies that make me cry? Les Miserables almost had me leave the theater because I didn't want the stranger beside me and all the rest in the theater to hear me sob for Fantine. 

It might snow....
3-6 inches or something? 
The only reason why I want it to snow is
a) I might get an extra day with my fiance.
b)We could play in it with Luna. Super fun!
c) Possible excuse to take Winter engagement pictures (or just winter pictures, whatever)
d) HOT CHOCOLATE!! When I'm feeling extra bold I add a little Whipped Cream flavored vodka. Yum!

Thinking about the future...
I find that searching for a job online is addicting. I swear I just search any kind of term and check out what's available even if it's not something I'm technically qualified for. Right now I am trying to just see what is out there. Honestly I don't have time for a full-time job right now. Now come April, I'll be begging for someone to take me. I spent a lot of time yesterday tweaking and updating my LinkedIn profile because it was pretty puny and sad. I added all the experience I had and I'm sad to say I feel like I don't have enough. (One of the primary reasons I'm not applying for the DI right away). I need to spruce up my resume. Not that what I have done is sub par. It is good but there is just not enough good experience on there for me to be happy. 
I am still at the Food Shuttle because of my practicum. I have signed on to be a tutor for the Metabolism class at Meredith College. So that should be good experience, plus a good reminder of that subject. 
For some reason I feel like I need a certification of some sort. I have always thought about getting a personal training certification, cpr wouldn't hurt and I probably need to retake the ServSafe exam because my certification ran out from when I took it at UNCG. If only I spoke another language. I honestly don't have the passion for that or the money for Rosetta Stone. 
I am not aware of what you have to do to get a personal training license, I need to look it up. 
I recently renewed my AND membership and so I was looking up district dietetic associations to become apart of. I am stuck however, because I have been a member of the RDDA but I feel like I need to be apart of the Greensboro District Dietetic Association because that is where I'm going to attempt to work. I don't want to spend money to be apart of both and I don't want to join in the middle of their membership year so I may hold back on that until the summer.
I also feel like a bit of slacker when it comes to keeping up with the nutrition community. I haven't been keeping up with current research since my seminar class last fall and you can get really behind on that stuff pretty quickly. I'm planning on reading my AND emails just to see what's been going on and to try and find a topic for a paper in my Public Policy class.

Workout Week...
Planning out my workouts for the week has been somewhat helpful, especially on days where I'm not running around like crazy. Class days I am dead tired and just want to sleep. However, I did sneak in a 20 minute yoga sesh yesterday before class. 

Today, I feel so tired because I incorporated some HIIT in my workout. With the help of  Seriously you guys I know I'm going to be sore after doing this video. It has reignited the infernal hatred I have for mountain climbers.
I know that HIIT burns calories. Like I didn't even have the strength to do arms like I said I was going to because I already felt like I had done an arm workout. I like workouts that give you that feeling like you've worked out every part of your body.

Friday: Gym (if no snow), Cardio (at home, if snow),+ arms
Saturday: Yoga
Sunday: Off
Monday: Gym (walking workout), + abs
Tuesday: At home +legs/bootie
Wednesday: At home + arms
Thursday: HIIT cardio

Off to eat some PB and motivate myself to get an hour in on my project!